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Urmia University of Medical Sciences

Urmia University of Medical Sciences (also known as Urmia Medical Science University (UMSU)) is a public medical school in the city of Urmia, West Azarbaijan province, Iran.


Early accounts (1878-1905)

The medical college institution which was founded by Joseph Cochran in current location of city campus of University Urmia in 1878 is considered the first attempt to establish higher education institute in Urmia. Dr. Cochran is also often credited for founding Iran’s "first contemporary medical college".

The Website of Urmia University credits Cochran for "lowering the infant mortality rate in the region" and for founding one of Iran's first modern hospitals in Urmia. The medical faculty Cochran established was joined by several other people, namely Drs. Wright, Homlz, van Nourdon, and Miller. They lived for whole of their life in Urmia.

The later developments (1980- )

In 1980, the faculty of Medical Science is established in Urmia University. In 1985 under the supervision of Iranian Ministry of Health the school detached from Urmia University, and a new university established with the name of Urmia University of Medical Science.

The university has seven schools (Medicine, Pharmacy, Paramedical, Health, Nursing and Midwifery, Dentistry, and International Branch) and administers all public hospitals (including Imam Khomeini, Shahid Motahhari, Taleghani, Razi, and Seyyed ol Shohada university hospitals) in and around the city of Urmia.


Urmia University of Medical Sciences is considered one of Iran's "Grade A" universities by Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Services. 

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